Twinkle Star Sprites (2021)
Global Tournament Info
Tournament Details
- 日本語のルールはこちら.
- Reglas en español.
- Registration Ends: Wednesday 9/1 @ 00:01 UTC.
- Tournament Starts: Sunday 9/5 @ 03:00 UTC.
- Platform: PC (Fightcade 2).
- Entry: Free.
- Crowdfunding: Matcherino.
- Pot Split: 60/30/10.
- Seeding: Skill & Region.
- Registration: Online pre-registration; No entrants cap.
- Head TO: cemera (@cemeraTSS, cemera#1057).
- Streams:
- English:
- Japanese:
Tournament Format
- Double Elimination.
- 2/3 Rounds per Game.
- 2/3 Games per Set for Rounds 1 & 2 of Winner’s/Loser’s Brackets and Round 3 of Loser’s Bracket.
- 1/1 Games per Set for the remaining of the Sets.
- If there is a Bracket Reset, the Grand Finals will be played 2/3 (FT2).
Tournament Rules
- Use VS Mode.
- Winner of a Game must keep character, Loser may switch.
- Boss characters Memory and Mevious are banned.
- In the uncommon case of a very rare Draw in the 3rd round of a Game, that Game will be played again.
- In case of an undefined Game because of consecutive crashes or a very laggy Game, not wired players will have a defeat. Otherwise, the Set will be decided by the seeding spot.
- If a player disconnects during a Set, that will mean a forfeit for that player.