(2018) Puyo Puyo Tetris
Puyo Puyo Tetris Group Photo
Swap Results
1: live (Alt!Lemres) 2: DdR_Dan (Rulue) 3: acliv (Maguro) 4: KirbyCombo35 (Ex/Alt!Ex)
5: Tema (Arle) 5: McButt (Tee/Alt!Ai) 7: ShiroBrawl (Risukuma) 7: Barack Ojama (Alt!Sig)
Puyo Puyo Results
1: live (Alt!Lemres) 2: acliv (Ess) 3: Tema (Arle) 4: ShiroBrawl (Arle/Ringo/Risukuma)
5: DdR_Dan (Rulue) 5: KirbyCombo35 (Ex) 7: Ouka (Maguro) 7: Negisuke (???)
Swap – Pools: Friday 8/3 @ 11:00am
- Pool 1: 11:00am – 12:30pm
- Pool 2: 12:30pm – 2:00pm
- Pool 3: 2:00pm – 3:30pm
- Pool 4: 3:30pm – 5:00pm
Swap – Top 8: Saturday 8/4 @ 10:00am
- Top 8: 10:00am – 1:00pm
Puyo Puyo: Saturday 8/4 @ 11:00am
- Pool 1: 11:00am – 1:00pm
- Pool 2: 1:00pm – 3:00pm
- Top 8: 3:00pm – 6:00pm
- Platform: PS4 (& Switch)
- Tournament is officially on PS4, but official tournament matches may be commenced on Switch if both players agree to it
- Entry: $5
- Pot Split: 70/20/10
- Seeding: Yes (Region & Skill)
- Registration: For Both Swap & Puyo, Online with capped On-Site. Pre-Reg to guarantee a spot & seeding.
- Head TO: Kiyobi (@Kiyobi)
- Stream: twitch.tv/MissingPersonSRK
Swap Tournament Format
- Mode: Swap
- Difficulty setting: Medium
- Any Customize options are allowed but must be agreed upon. If no agreement can be made, players must set to default.
- Characters may not be changed for the entirety of the set.
- Double Elimination
- 1 Round per Game
- First to 4 Games
- First to 6 Games for Losers, Winners, and Grand Finals
Puyo Puyo Tournament Format
- Mode: Versus
- Both players may only play as Puyo
- Difficulty setting: Medium
- Any Customize options are allowed but must be agreed upon. If no agreement can be made, players must set to default.
- Characters may not be changed for the entirety of the set.
- Double Elimination
- 1 Round per Game
- First to 7 Games
- First to 10 Games for Losers, Winners, and Grand Finals